Saturday, March 26, 2016

Hemisphere based ray matched SSAO

Article is a bit outdated, with all that fancy compute shader-based aglorithms, but maybe
someone will find it usefull
Hemisphere based ray matched SSAO


SSAO is not a new method for solving the Global Illumination. The very first implementation of it was performed by Crytek in 2007. Still, SSAO has a lot of problems. In this work I have made an attempt to solve them.
     Figure 1. Typical game environment (16x6 IRAO)

2.Equations and theory

I start with a simplified form of rendering equation and pick ambient occlusion out of it:

AO is a diffuse factor thus I simply put away the spec part (but actually it has its own occlusion factor simulated by RO or SSR in modern real-time projects).

Next, I separate Li into two factors, the incoming light color and brightness and the occlusion factor:
(this approximation precludes all secondary GI bounces, Error 1)

The next step is to separate InLight from the integral taking it as constant Irradiance:
(this is an unavoidable approximation, Error 2)

The integration can be solved numerically. I also take Fdiff as Lambertian distribution (Error 3) :

where Sv is a sample vector and 2 is a normalization factor for cosine weighted samples (it's half from uniform sample weights).
However, that causes a lot of undesirable calculations. To avoid it dot product has to be eliminated. Fortunately, importance sampling allows us to do that:

3.Sample Kernel

I take Crytek's SSAO as the starting point. The core idea is to take a number of samples in a sphere, project them on the screen and test the depth difference of sample points and the depth of this pixel for negativity, if it’s <0 then the point is occluded:

           Figure 2. This method has two major problems :
  • Half of the samples are wasted because they are below the surface
  • The average unoccluded color is grey and corners are white (as a result of the above mentioned)  

      Figure 3. Crysis 1 SSAO in action | 32 samples

he first thing we need now is to get a hemisphere sampling as our integration tells us.
There are two ways to perform it :
  • to redirect undersurface sphere kernel samples in the positive normal direction by checking the dot product between the normal and the sample vector:
(dot(normal, sample)>= 0.0f) ? sample : -sample
  • to reorient hemisphere kernel samples by TBN basis of the pixel :
sample = mul(sample, TBN)
The dot check is simple therefore I will not stop on it. The second thing is a trickier one.

We are to construct a vector basis whose z-axis should be always directed along the surface normal and x- and y-axes must be uniform per-pixel random orthonormal vectors so as to get rid of banding artefacts.

We need a table of normalized vectors that fills the circle. I am going to use 9 directions and store them in the 3x3 texture (you may want to read it from a 2d array , but the texture has proved to be slightly faster ):

int2 RI = (uv * g_screen.xy)%3;
float3 PointsOnCircle[3][3] =
{float3(+0.766044, +0.642788, 0), float3(+0.173648, +0.984808, 0), float3(-0.5, +0.866025,0)},
{float3(-0.939693, +0.342020, 0), float3(-0.939693, -0.342020, 0), float3(-0.5, -0.866025,0)},
{float3(+0.173648, -0.984808, 0), float3(+0.766044, -0.642788, 0), float3(+1.0, +0.000000,0)}
float3 random = PointsOnCircle[RI.x][RI.y]

Now I am going to construct the basis using Gram-Schmidt process: 

POC = PointsOnCircleTexture * 2 – 1;
Tangent = normalize(POC - normal * dot(POC, normal));
Binormal = cross(projection_normal, Tn);

This may require explanation:

                                            Figure 4. Tangent calculations

After that the sampling should look the following way :

                                          Figure 5. Hemisphere sampling kernel

    Figure 6. Hemisphere kernel – dot products | 32 samples

     Figure 7. Hemisphere kernel – TBN basis align | 32 samples

I use Wolfram Mathematica to get a cosine weighted distribution of vectors [Wong97]:

phi = v * 2.0 * PI;
cosTheta = sqrt(1.0 – u)
sinTheta = sqrt(1.0 - cosTheta * cosTheta)

x = cos(phi) * sinTheta
y = sin(phi) * sinTheta
z = cosTheta

4. Occlusion calculation

In order to get the occlusion factor we need to check the intersection of the sampled vector with scene geometry. The simplest way to handle it is to check the visibility of point, which is done by reading the depth of the vector projected on the screen and comparing it to the actual depth of vector. Since the coordinate space consists of screen vertical axis, screen horizontal axis and depth, which are in ranges : (0:1, 0:1, -1:1), we are to put z - coordinate of vector, to range 0:1, like out depth is. After that we compare sample.z to the depth: if it's less, the point is occluded.
Besides, it is necessary to make sure that the vector does not get out of sampling radius in world space. To this end, we once again compare the depth difference to the radius: if it is greater, the sample is rejected.

    Figure 8. SSAO without radius test | 32 samples
The result is already acceptable, nevertheless, there is still room for mistakes.

5.Ray matching
                Figure 9. Trivial occlusion (on the left) vs Ray matching(on the right)

The nature of error consists in the fact that you still consider lighting from direction that has already been occluded. Light can't reach the point from that direction no matter how many times you sample. And in case of classic SSAO the greater the number of samples past occluder is, the greater the error is.
To do ray matching we need to sample the direction a number of times by extending the sampling vector with each step until it finds the occluder or its length exceeds the radius. 

     Figure 10. SSAO IS vectors | 32 samples

     Figure 11. Ray matched SSAO | 16x3

Trivial raw Hemisphere based SSAO is greatly underoccluded due to the great percentage of missed occluders and more noise in general:

6. Code

static const float3 kernel32[32] =
float3(+0.000000, +0.000000, +1.000000 ) * 0.695583f ,
float3(+0.693520, +0.137950, +0.707107 ) * 0.706933f ,
float3(+0.461940, +0.191342, +0.866025 ) * 0.753630f ,
float3(+0.720074, +0.481138, +0.500000 ) * 0.400474f ,
float3(+0.250000, +0.250000, +0.935414 ) * 0.849644f ,
float3(+0.439217, +0.657334, +0.612372 ) * 0.183093f ,
float3(+0.234345, +0.565758, +0.790569 ) * 0.477398f ,
float3(+0.182490, +0.917441, +0.353553 ) * 0.465453f ,
float3(+0.000000, +0.250000, +0.968246 ) * 0.396867f ,
float3(-0.146318, +0.735589, +0.661438 ) * 0.666024f ,
float3(-0.213927, +0.516464, +0.829156 ) * 0.621573f ,
float3(-0.500784, +0.749477, +0.433013 ) * 0.162192f ,
float3(-0.306186, +0.306186, +0.901388 ) * 0.725721f ,
float3(-0.689418, +0.460655, +0.559017 ) * 0.092574f ,
float3(-0.611089, +0.253121, +0.750000 ) * 0.109925f ,
float3(-0.949641, +0.188895, +0.250000 ) * 0.356492f ,
float3(-0.176777, +0.000000, +0.984251 ) * 0.219726f ,
float3(-0.714864, -0.142195, +0.684653 ) * 0.135819f ,
float3(-0.489961, -0.202949, +0.847791 ) * 0.974883f ,
float3(-0.734922, -0.491059, +0.467707 ) * 0.095080f ,
float3(-0.279508, -0.279508, +0.918559 ) * 0.595859f ,
float3(-0.450063, -0.673567, +0.586302 ) * 0.742192f ,
float3(-0.243914, -0.588860, +0.770552 ) * 0.637056f ,
float3(-0.185720, -0.933680, +0.306186 ) * 0.950980f ,
float3(+0.000000, -0.306186, +0.951972 ) * 0.900276f ,
float3(+0.150327, -0.755746, +0.637378 ) * 0.035258f ,
float3(+0.224368, -0.541672, +0.810093 ) * 0.883426f ,
float3(+0.510324, -0.763754, +0.395285 ) * 0.550505f ,
float3(+0.330719, -0.330719, +0.883884 ) * 0.050631f ,
float3(+0.704913, -0.471008, +0.530330 ) * 0.852166f ,
float3(+0.632537, -0.262005, +0.728869 ) * 0.406028f ,
float3(+0.965339, -0.192018, +0.176777 ) * 0.085051f ,

static const float3 kernel16[ 16 ] =
float3(+0.000000, -0.433013, +0.901388 ) * 1.000000 ,
float3(+0.000000, +0.353553, +0.935414 ) * 0.707107 ,
float3(-0.250000, +0.000000, +0.968246 ) * 0.577350 ,
float3(+0.433013, -0.000000, +0.901388 ) * 0.500000 ,
float3(+0.433013, +0.433013, +0.790569 ) * 0.447214 ,
float3(-0.467707, +0.467707, +0.750000 ) * 0.408248 ,
float3(-0.353553, -0.353553, +0.866025 ) * 0.377964 ,
float3(+0.395285, -0.395285, +0.829156 ) * 0.353553 ,
float3(+0.653281, +0.270598, +0.707107 ) * 0.333333 ,
float3(-0.864210, +0.357968, +0.353553 ) * 0.316228 ,
float3(-0.894543, -0.370532, +0.350000 ) * 0.301511 ,
float3(+0.692910, -0.287013, +0.661438 ) * 0.288675 ,
float3(+0.331414, +0.800103, +0.500000 ) * 0.267350 ,
float3(-0.302538, +0.730391, +0.612372 ) * 0.257261 ,
float3(-0.344946, -0.832774, +0.433013 ) * 0.228199 ,
float3(+0.317304, -0.766040, +0.559017 ) * 0.125374 ,

float4 IRSSAO(float2 uv)
// world to view space
float3 ProjectionNormal = mul(ProjectionMatrix, WorldSpaceNormal, 0.0h)).xyz;

ProjectionNormal.y = -ProjectionNormal.y;
float2 NoiseTexUV = 0.50f * screen_res.xy * uv * 0.333333f ;
float3 jitter = tex2D(NoiseSampler, NoiseTexUV) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
float frame_depth = ReadGbufferZ(uv);
float AOAccumulator = 0.0f;
float InvDepth = 1.0f / frame_depth;
float AspectRatio = screen_res.x/screen_res.y;
const int TraceSteps = 3;
#if 0
float3 kernel[32] = kernel32;
const int numSamples = 32;
float3 kernel[16] = kernel16;
const int numSamples = 16;
// Gram-Schmidt process
float3 Tn = normalize(jitter - ProjectionNormal * dot(jitter, ProjectionNormal));
float3 Bn = cross(ProjectionNormal, Tn);
float3x3 normalBasis = float3x3(Tn, Bn, ProjectionNormal);
UNROLL for (int j=0; j<numSamples; j+=1)
float TraceResult = 0.0f;
float rad = 0.0f ;
float3 trace_sample = 0.0f;
float3 sample = mul(kernel[j+0], normalBasis) ;
sample.y *= AspectRatio;
UNROLL for ( int i = 0; i < TraceSteps; i+=1 )
rad += ao_radius_scale ;
trace_sample = sample * rad;
float sampleDepth = ReadGbufferZ(trace_sample.xy + uv) * InvDepth;
float kernelDepth = trace_sample.z;

// *2 needed since depth is 0 to 1 and SS coordinate Z is in -1 to 1 range
float dd3 = (1.0f + 2.0f * kernelDepth - sampleDepth);
float Occlusion = saturate(dd3*10000.0f);
float RadReject = 1.0f - saturate((dd3-rad) * 1000.0f);
TraceResult = lerp((Occlusion * RadReject), 1.0f, TraceResult);
AOAccumulator += TraceResult;

AOAccumulator = AOAccumulator * ao_saturation / numSamples;
float final_ao = 1.0f - AOAccumulator;

return float4( pack_ssao(final_ao) , 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );

Versus HBAO:

     Figure 12. HBAO | 8x4 | 0.910 ms Radeon 7970

     Figure 13. IRAO | 16x3 | 0.650 ms Radeon 7970

Geometry Normal:
When implementing the algorithm in an actual game you may find Gbuffer normal unsatisfactory because of overocclusion in intence normalmapping areas. It happens because the depth does not know about your normals map and what they are trying to do unless you have height displacement maps and a detailed tesselation.
What’s more, using Geometry Normal turned out to be a little bit faster.

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